Typový druh
Scyllium laticeps Duméril, 1853
Původní popis
Gill T. N. 1862. Analytical synopsis of the order of Squali; and revision of the nomenclature of the genera. [Genera date to this article, also treated in Gill 1862:409-413. Both articles combined as separate, pp. 1-42.] Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y. v. 7. 367-370, 371-408.
Použitá literatura
Přehled druhů
Cephaloscyllium albipinnum Last, Motomura & White, 2008
Cephaloscyllium cooki Last, Séret & White, 2008
Cephaloscyllium fasciatum Chan, 1966
máčka bantaganská
Cephaloscyllium formosanum Teng, 1962
Cephaloscyllium hiscosellum White & Ebert, 2008
Cephaloscyllium isabella (Bonnaterre, 1788)
máčka novozélandská
Cephaloscyllium laticeps (Duméril, 1853)
máčka australská
Cephaloscyllium pictum Last, Séret & White, 2008
Cephaloscyllium sarawakense Yano, Ahmed & Gambang, 2005
Cephaloscyllium signourum Last, Séret & White, 2008
Cephaloscyllium silasi (Talwar, 1974)
máčka indická
Cephaloscyllium speccum Last, Séret & White, 2008
Cephaloscyllium stevensi Clark & Randall, 2011
Cephaloscyllium sufflans (Regan, 1921)
máčka nadouvač
Cephaloscyllium umbratile Jordan & Fowler, 1903
máčka chmurná
Cephaloscyllium variegatum Last & White, 2008
Cephaloscyllium ventriosum (Garman, 1880)
máčka kalifornská
Cephaloscyllium zebrum Last & White, 2008