Čeleď: Loricariidae Rafinesque, 1815 — krunýřovcovití
Rod: Sturisoma Swainson, 1838
Janauacá Lake, lower Solimões River, Amazon River basin, Janauacá, Amazonas, Brazil, 3°25'S, 60°17'W.
Londoño-Burbano, A. & Britto, M. R. 2023. Taxonomic revision of Sturisoma Swainson, 1838 (Loricariidae: Loricariinae), with descriptions of four new species. Journal of Fish Biology Early view: [1-53].
Fricke, R., Eschmeyer, W. N. & Van der Laan, R. (eds). 2024. Eschmeyer's catalog of fishes: Genera, species, references. World Wide Web.