Čeleď: Acestrorhamphidae
Rod: Priocharax Weitzman & Vari, 1987
Jižní Amerika – Brazílie, Rondônia, Rio Jamari, povodí Madeiry.
Rio Preto, approximately 12km south from road BR-364 before bridge crossing the river, Rio Jamari drainage, Candeias do Jamari, Rondônia, Brazil, 08°52'53.5"S, 63°37'50.8"W.
1,4 cm SL.
Mattox, G. M. T., Souza, C. S., Toledo-Piza, M., Britz R. & Oliveira, C. 2020. A new miniature species of Priocharax (Teleostei: Characiformes: Characidae) from the Rio Madeira drainage, Brazil, with comments on the adipose fin in characiforms. Vertebrate Zoology v. 70 (no. 3): 417-433.
Fricke, R., Eschmeyer, W. N. & Van der Laan, R. (eds). 2024. Eschmeyer's catalog of fishes: Genera, species, references. World Wide Web.