Neoconger Girard, 1858

Moringuidae Gill, 1885 ― štíhloušovití


Chrinorhinus Howell Rivero, 1932 ― Chrinorhinus torrei Howell Rivero, 1932

Typový druh

Neoconger mucronatus Girard, 1858

Původní popis

Girard C. F. 1858. Notes upon various new genera and new species of fishes, in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution, and collected in connection with the United States and Mexican boundary survey: Major William Emory, Commissioner. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. v. 10. 167-171.

Přehled druhů

Neoconger anaelisae (Tommasi, 1960)

Neoconger hygomi Smith, 2024

Neoconger mucronatus Girard, 1858

štíhlouš špičatoocasý

Neoconger torrei Howell Rivero, 1932

Neoconger tuberculatus (Castle, 1965)

štíhlouš hrbolkovitý

Neoconger vermiformis Gilbert, 1890

štíhlouš červovitý