Nematabramis Boulenger, 1894

Danionidae Bleeker, 1863


Mearnsella Seale & Bean, 1907 ― Mearnsella alestes Seale & Bean, 1907

Seale, A. & Bean, B. A. 1907. On a collection of fishes from the Philippine Islands, made by Maj. Edgar A. Mearns, surgeon, U. S. Army, with descriptions of seven new species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 33 (no. 1568): 229-248.

Typový druh

Nematabramis everetti Boulenger, 1894.

Původní popis

Boulenger G. A. 1894. Descriptions of new freshwater fishes from Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 6) v. 13 (no. 75). 245-251.

Použitá literatura

Přehled druhů

Nematabramis alestes (Seale & Bean, 1907)

dumpis filipínský

Nematabramis borneensis Inger & Chin, 1962

dumpis bornejský

Nematabramis everetti Boulenger, 1894

dumpis Everettův

Nematabramis steindachnerii Popta, 1905

dumpis Steindachnerův

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Plíštil, J. (Ed.) 2024. AQUATAB. World Wide Web electronic publication., verze (12/2024).