Brachygenys Poey, 1868

Haemulidae Gill, 1885 ― chrochtalovití


Xenistius Jordan & Gilbert, 1883 ― Xenichthys californiensis Steindachner, 1876

Jordan, D. S. & Gilbert, C. H. 1883. Synopsis of the fishes of North America. Bull. U. S. Natl. Mus. No. 16. i-liv + 1-1018.

Xenocys Jordan & Bollman, 1890 ― Xenocys jessiae Jordan & Bollman, 1890

ordan, D. S. & C. H. Bollman 1890. Descriptions of new species of fishes collected at the Galapagos Islands and along the coast of the United States of Colombia, 1887-'88. In: Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross. Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus. v. 12 (no. 770): 149-183.

Typový druh

Haemulon taeniatum Poey 1860.

Původní popis

Poey, F. 1868. Synopsis piscium cubensium. Catalogo Razonado de los peces de la isla de Cuba. Repertorio Fisico-Natural de la Isla de Cuba v. 2: 279-484.

Přehled druhů

Brachygenys californiensis (Steindachner, 1875)

chrochtal kalifornský

Brachygenys chrysargyrea (Günther, 1859)

chrochtal maloústý

Brachygenys jessiae (Jordan & Bollman, 1890)

chrochtal hejnový

Brachygenys peruana (Hildebrand, 1946)

chrochtal peruánský